Barry Gordy, Jr. invests $700 to found Motown Records.
Christian Dior celebrates his 10th Anniversary as the dominant spirit of French fashion, then passes away a few months later from a heart attack. A daring, plunging neckline is all the rage. So are loafers, Bermudas, buckles, pegged pants and knee socks.
The Milwaukee Braves defeat the NY Yankees to win the World Series 4-3.
Athlea Gibson becomes the first black athlete to win at Wimbledon.
Russia’s Sputnik launches the Space Age.
Britain tests its first hydrogen bomb
Common Market formed in Europe.
The Tonight Show is a television sensation. It became the late-night viewing model for the next decade. Who was its original host?
“It’s such a comfort to take the bus and leave the driving to us” was the ad campaign for what transportation service?
What is a “sock hop” and how did it get its name?
Yee haw! Once upon a time, westerns ruled the boob tube. That time was 1957. More than a dozen were on TV. We dare you to name three.
Praised for its innovation, the Wankel never achieved widespread acceptance and is barely remembered today. Just what’s a Wankel?
Kids raced home from school to watch a show that went national this year, was deemed subversive, was hosted by Dick Clark and started a teenage frenzy. Name that show!
Whosit? Whatsit? Theodore Geisel used a pseudonym and wrote this instant American classic children’s book.